Solicitors and legal experts all over the UK can help you if you have suffered an injury as the result of a trip, slip or fall in an accident that wasn’t your fault. Each year dedicated experts help hundreds of people who have suffered an injury when they have tripped, slipped or fallen over in accidents where another person or other people were to blame. If you’ve been injured after a slip, trip or fall caused by someone else’s negligence, then you might be able to claim accident compensation from those responsible. A good legal service can help you to make your trip, slip or fall injury claim on a no win no fee basis so that you won’t need to pay for any unnecessary legal advice.
Accident compensation after trips, slips and falls
It’s easy to think of a trip, a slip or a fall as only a minor accident, maybe one that you could get away with without any injuries. But the unfortunate truth is that in many cases, tripping, slipping or falling can leave you with a very serious injury, no matter what your age or physical health before the accident. If you fall awkwardly, you could do some serious damage to yourself whatever your age. Many solicitors have dealt with tripping, slipping and falling accident claims made by people whose accidents have left them with serious injuries including broken bones and long term physical impairment.
There are a variety of circumstances in which an accident like this could take place so don’t automatically think that you’re claim isn’t worth pursuing until you have taken a closer look at the accident compensation information available.