Man receives accident compensation after car crash

A man who sustained a serious brain injury in a car crash has been awarded £3.6 million in accident compensation.

Whilst the man was parked in a lay-by in June 2008, another vehicle travelling at 70mph smashed into the back of his car, throwing it forward. The force of the impact pushed the man’s head into the steering wheel, causing a bleed on his brain and swelling. The injury was so serious that he was on a life support machine for a fortnight.

Medical experts said there was just a one in ten chance that the man would survive. Although he recovered, the permanent brain injury to his frontal lobe has left him with some personality and cognitive problems and he is unable to live independently. In addition he suffers from post-traumatic amnesia.

He was recently awarded £3.6 million in accident compensation, to be used to cover his ongoing care needs. The driver of the other car was convicted of driving without due care and attention and was issued with a fine and a licence endorsement.

The injured man’s wife said that whilst no amount of money could repair the damage, the settlement meant that the family could now move forward with their lives.