Elderly couple seek accident compensation after plane stairs fall

An elderly couple could receive accident compensation after they fell down the stairs when getting off an aeroplane.

The married couple, aged 82 and 79, are both disabled and walk with the aid of sticks. They had just arrived at their destination airport when the accident happened.

They had booked their two-week luxury holiday with a UK travel agent before they left home. Reports say that the couple claim that when they booked their trip they made a specific request to be helped to disembark the plane because of their mobility problems. However, when no one was there to help them on arrival they tried to walk down the stairs themselves and claim they were urged to hurry up by cabin crew.

Unfortunately, both the couple fell almost the full length of the stairs. The man escaped with minor injuries and bruising but the woman is still bed-bound following the accident and spent most of the holiday in hospital. She sustained significant bruising, leg wounds and a head injury, and she still suffers from bad headaches. They are now reported to be claiming accident compensation from the travel firm.