Caretaker injured in accident at work

A caretaker has been involved in an accident at work after falling from a ladder.

The 54-year-old in question was working on an unguarded work platform with a colleague, recladding the outside of a school kitchen in Essex. While undertaking the job, the man lost his footing and fell 1.9 metres to the ground.

His tumble left him with two broken ribs and a broken arm. A three-inch metal plate was required to treat the ribs, while multiple metal screws had to be inserted into his arm. These injuries could prompt the caretaker to consider an accident compensation claim against his employer, especially if he has been troubled for a substantial length of time after the accident.

Meanwhile, an investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that the school failed to take suitable and sufficient measures to prevent an employee falling from height while carrying out work.

HSE inspector Corinne Godfrey, commented, “As falling from height often results in severe injury or death, the outcome of this incident could have been much worse.

"However, it could have been avoided altogether if an appropriate work platform had been provided by Mr Springett's employers. The school has a duty to protect its staff and working at height brings with it risks they should be aware of, and protect against," she added.