£500,000 compensation for injured driver

A former delivery driver injured in a work accident has been awarded £500,000 in compensation.

The employee was hurt when he and a colleague tried to use a tail lift to remove furniture from their van. Neither of the workers had received training on using this particular piece of equipment. One of the workers stepped back onto the lift and it moved, causing him to fall and bang the back of his neck.

He suffered serious injuries and was paralysed on a temporary basis. Experts have told him he won’t be able to work again due to the injuries he sustained which now cause him constant pain. He has recently been awarded £500,000 in compensation from his former employer after he took legal action. The accident compensation is to cover his pain and suffering, as well as loss of earnings owing to the injury.

Legislation dictates that employers must ensure all staff are adequately trained to use equipment and to carry out their duties. This requirement extends to any self-employed staff, as well as employees. Employers must assess the risks associated with carrying out duties and provide information on how the risks and hazards identified should be minimised.