A young woman has used her accident compensation to help open her own business.
The 23-year-old from Newport was involved in a car crash in 2006. Both her of her legs were broken and her hip dislocated. Her now husband, aged 39, suffered from a double fracture of the collarbone, a fractured sternum and a fractured finger in the same crash. However, they were both told that their injuries could have been a lot worse.
Nonetheless, the woman has still struggled with work since the accident. She was wheelchair bound for two months and then had to use a zimmer frame, crutches and special boots to relearn how to walk. She also developed arthritis and found that nobody was willing to employ her, she told the South Wales Argus.
Fortunately the pair sought accident compensation for the incident. Using these funds, the 23-year-old established her own hair salon, purchasing a lease on a premises on Chepstow Road for £11,000.
The hairdresser has now been running for a year and the young woman has seen business gradually pick up. She told the paper, “It’s like anywhere, it struggles sometimes. At one point I thought I wouldn’t be able to do anything but I’m not that type of person. I do enjoy it and I’m glad [for] what I’ve got.”